10 times your cat stole your Cuddle Buddy
Hi Buddies,
We noticed a hilarious trend in the reviews left by our loyal customers.
It seems humans aren't the only ones enjoying their Cuddle Buddy pillows, but also our controlling furry friends we love so much... our cats!
Win a pillow for your cat (or use them to win one for yourself!) by commenting below the funniest thing your cat has done. Bonus points if it involves your Cuddle Buddy pillow! Scroll down to see the comments section.
If you want a laugh, here are 10 times your cat took your Cuddle Buddy, taken straight from our reviews section left by real customers!
- 'My cat broke my previous pillow. I keep it wrapped in a pillow case now.' - Roxanne
- 'Ordered this for my cat as she claimed my orginal cuddle buddy pillow. But this NQR pillow looks too good for the cat so I'm keeping it for myself and she can have my 16 yr old one' - Colleen
- 'Have had a cuddle buddy of some sort for the last 15 years. Love love love them. Small ones great for travelling and larger ones great to snuggle up to in bed - my old was claimed by my cat he loves it so much.' - Louise
- 'My old Cuddle Buddy died because the cat stuck her claws into it, hoping she stays away from this one.' - Carla
- 'I love the body pillow; I’ve had 3 of them, two I had to get rid of due to my cat attacking it but my 3rd is going strong, has lasted me a twin pregnancy & it was the best thing ever' - Jessica
- 'I love your pillows! I can’t sleep without them. I wasn’t happy when my cat destroyed two of my favourites yesterday!' - Lauren
'My daughter and I are huge fans of cuddle buddies and have had them for many years - unfortunately a cat took a little to much of a liking to mine and I needed a new one.' - Shelly
'I had been given one approx 15yrs ago from my Aunt who lives in Ozzie and I loved it so dearly until my cat decided to ruin it!' - Jodi
- 'I have always needed a pillow like this can't to sleep but have found cuddle buddy to be the best quality so far. I got another one as my cat Willow loves mine too much - had to have her own :P' - Brittany
- 'I bought a cuddle buddy many years ago in south Africa where i live it has lasted was for me but my cat loves it so much he took over ha ha makes holes in it with his claws' - Jeanine
Win a pillow for your cat (or use them to win one for yourself!) by commenting below the funniest thing your cat has done. Bonus points if it involves your Cuddle Buddy pillow! Scroll down to see the comments section.
Stay cuddly,
Cuddle Buddy
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My cat sleeps on my cuddle buddy body pillow every. Single. Day. So I have to sticky roller it every evening to remove the fur.
I’m actually scrolling through looking for another cover as this cover is threaded because of my cat. She definitely needs her own for her nearly 15 year old bod! <3
I purchased one cuddle buddy pillow and one of my cats took it over, I then purchased another only to lose that to the second cat. They will not share with me. Help!!
I have a small black cuddle buddy (no, an actual cuddle buddy, not the cat) which I purchased to support for my lower back pain. All was going well until my two furkids decided that they two enjoyed snuggling with the cuddle buddy and now it is hard for me to reclaim it. They have christened it with their orange, white and black fur in a vain attempt to get me to hand it over. Please help me restore the household balance and i can once again have my own cuddle buddy.